Wednesday Evening Meditation

Wednesday Meditation Class:

A New World of Meditation

Practical advice on how to meditate on the six stages of Mahamudra

Stop looking for happiness outside of yourself! Real peace and happiness in within you. We are like a thirsty person trying to quench their thirst by chasing desert mirages. Instead, turn your awareness inwards and through the power of meditation discover the unfathomable depth of tranquility, joy, and mental freedom that comes from the wellspring of happiness within.
These classes focus on a very profound yet simple form of meditation called the six stages of Mahamudra, where in meditation we explore the spaciousness and clarity of our mind. We start by observing the daily functioning of our mind and discover the clarity within. As our incessant thoughts begin to subside we find deeper and deeper levels of tranquility. Eventually, in meditation we explore the most subtle levels of awareness – even learning how to meditate during deep sleep. In this way we can naturally transform our sleep into the spiritual path. How wonderful!

guru sumati buddha heruka


Wednesday Class 7-8:30pm  $10
dinner:  6-6:45 pm  $10
pre-booked for both: $16

Share a Meal

We invite you to share a meal with us and meet our Kadampa Buddhist community! For only $10 (or $6 pre-booked), you can enjoy a delicious meal with our residential community (including ordained Buddhist monks and nuns) and other class attendees and enjoy meaningful conversations with like-minded people.

All of our meals are vegetarian with vegan and wheat-free options. We use fresh and local products as much as possible. These meals include a main dish, side dish and green salad and are serve-yourself. Our meals are lovingly cooked by volunteers.


August 21

August 28

September 4

September 11

More Classes at the Temple:

Gen Samten

Gen Samten

Resident Teacher KMC NY

Gen Samten Kelsang is an ordained Buddhist monk and is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center New York. He has been studying and practicing Buddhism for over thirty years and is one of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s most senior students.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never been to a meditation class/workshop before.

I've never been to a meditation class before what should I expect?

Our meditation classes are very accessible. You do not need to bring any mats or wear any special clothing. We provide both cushions and chairs, and there is no physical exercise, yoga, or stretching involved.

How should I dress?

Feel free to come however you are comfortable. We ask people to remove shoes and hats when you enter the meditation room.

Do I need to bring anything?

Nothing in particular, but some people like to take notes so you may wish to bring a notepad and pen.

If I’m a complete beginner, should I attend this class?

Yes, our meditation workshops are perfect for everyone. This course, in particular is a great way to begin a meditation practice – no previous experience is necessary.

Do I need to be Buddhist to attend?

No, our meditation workshops are presented in a way that is accessible to everyone, and no religious obligation is required.

What are some benefits of attending meditation classes?

Through sincerely training in meditation on the teachings given in these classes you will attain spiritual realizations, which lead you to permanent liberation from all the sufferings of this life and countless future lives. There is no greater meaning than this. Even temporarily, whenever you experience problems, unpleasant feelings, depression or unhappiness you can solve these problems immediately by transforming your mind into peace through your meditation practice. The benefits of meditation are immeasurable.

Contact Us


(845) 856-9000
9am-5pm Monday - Friday


47 Sweeney Rd
Glen Spey, NY 12737