Meditation and a Meal

Share a Meal, Share a Moment

We invite you to share a meal with us and meet our Kadampa Buddhist community! For only $10 (or $6 pre-booked), you can enjoy a delicious meal with our residential community (including ordained Buddhist monks and nuns) and other class attendees and enjoy meaningful conversations with like-minded people.

Nourish Your Mind

Guided Meditation

Our classes always include a guided short breathing meditation to help you connect to an experience of inner peace. No prior experience is necessary.

Short Talk

Every week the teachings explore one aspect of Dharma, or Buddha’s teachings, which focus on solutions to problems in daily life, inducing genuine optimism and increased happiness.


At the end of the class, we conclude with a meditation based on the teaching that was given during the class.

Nourish Your Body


Where you find a strong spiritual community, you also find good food! Our home-cooked vegetarian meals are served in our community dining room in the main building (the largest building other than the Temple).  You are invited to join us for a meal before or after class!  You will be joining our robust residential community of like-minded people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds,  along with the Spiritual Teachers of the Temple!

Vegan and wheat-free options are usually offered at each meal.

Each meal costs just $10 


Meal Times

We offer meals before our evening classes or just after our mid-day meditations.

Sunday & Monday’s lunch is served from 1 – 1:45pm

Tuesday and Wednesday’s dinner is served from 6 – 6:45pm

How to reserve your seat

To reserve your seat for lunch or dinner you can pre-register by clicking on the class page below. Except for Sunday class, you will be able to register and pay for both the class and meal before hand to make check-in quick and simple. Pre-registering for the class and meal also gives you a discount! You are also welcome to pay in the shop, café, or at the door in the dining room but this is on a first come, first serve basis and we may run out of meals. We strongly suggest pre-registering. We also ask that any large groups (over 5) please pre-register ahead of time. We are a fully volunteer-run organization and planning for larger groups will help us prepare enough food for everyone. 

Click on these classes to find out more about nourishing your mind.